Yasar Habib

How to Turn Ideas into Prototypes

Have you ever had an idea that you thought would make for a great website or smart phone app, but had no idea how to turn your idea into reality?

In this series you are going to learn how to make ideas tangible by turning them into digital prototypes and collecting feedback with user testing.

You don’t need any design or coding skills. If you have an idea for a digital product or service that you want to test, this guide is for you.


Answer the following questions

  1. What is the idea?

  2. Who is this for?

  3. What can they do with it?


Learning Outcomes

You will learn how to take an idea and have it ready to show people. You will also learn the following skills:

Lesson Guide

  1. How to Sketch Digital Products
  2. How to Map Interaction
  3. How to User Test Your Sketches
  4. How to Build a Prototype
  5. How to User Test Your Prototype
  6. How to Pitch Your Prototype